5 Real Estate Marketing Tools To Make Your Life Easier
Use these 5 real estate marketing tools to make your professional life easier. The first few years starting your real estate business can be challenging.
Start off with these. These 5 real estate marketing tools bring you leads, referrals and establish you as a true professional.
The best way to LEVERAGE YOURSELF is through automation. Be smart and automate and systematize where you can.


My Realtor website provider allows people to search homes, save favorites, receive updates on their favorites and create their own hotsheets. Leads/subscribers are notified immediately (it’s automated) via email of any changes on their saved favorites.
I’ve used this company for years and they have all these features at an incredibly low price of $59/MO. In fact here is their PRICE GUARANTEE “We’re so sure we provide the best value for your dollar, if you can find any Real Estate Website Provider who has the same features at a lower price, we’ll beat their price!
When looking for a Realtor Website company be sure they have these features:
1) A Home Search Tool
2) Area To Submit A CMA/Home Value Request
3) Lead Capture. Get Their Name, Email Address and Phone Number
4) Calls To Action
5) Helpful Information For Buyers, Sellers and Homeowners
6) Easily Identifiable Ways To Contact You
7) Your Photo. Studies show people relate and prefer to see a face in real estate marketing. It helps connect them to you
8) Testimonials
9) After people opt-in to your home search tool offer follow up drip emails
10) Customized to you and your own professional branding
Create one visually appealing template that you can use over and over so it’s automated for you. Once your template’s set up spend only 15-30 minutes/month on your real estate newsletter.
There are strategies to help you get leads, referrals and to see who may be buying or selling soon. I have a class that teaches you how to create your own E-Zine (professional real estate newsletter) THAT KEEPS YOU TOP OF MIND.
This shows you how to generate leads, referrals and be knows as the ONLY Go To Realtor.
It’s one of the best real estate marketing automation techniques in terms of consistently receiving referrals, getting real estate leads and staying in front of your SOI and leads.
Real Estate IS VISUAL…thus people engage and process easier with a visual real estate newsletter.
I view mine as an E-Zine…an electronic local real estate ‘magazine’ which consists of local events, home tips AND valuable home buying and selling tips/resources. It’s a simple, one pager with photos and links…and it works!
Within 24 hours of sending my last E-Zine I had 8 CMA Requests, 6 Direct Phone Calls and 10 emails asking real estate buying/selling questions. Over the years this E-Zine has brought me much business!
Click here to learn how I take you step-by-step and help you and show you exactly how you do this.
If you’re a new agent this is a lead generating magnet. You’ll get business from it. Send the email to everyone you’ve known and they’ll know you’re now a real estate agent.
If you’re a seasoned agent it’s a great way to automate some of your marketing efforts, stay connected with your sphere and prospects and stay top of mind.
Get information on “Creating Effective, Simple Newsletters That Bring You Business”

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If you haven’t discovered the Tailwind App your missing out. It’s an incredible way to automate Instagram and Pinterest. The analytics it provides is phenomenal too.
You’re BUSY. Automating is one of the keys to leveraging yourself and success.
Your Real Estate Business is PERFECT for using Pinterest as a real marketing tool. Since Real Estate is primarily visual and your business is a build over time (not one hit marketing) Pinterest is an ideal marketing medium…YOUR PINS LAST FOREVER (unlike Facebook and Instagram…which are very short term posts/ads).
Your pins linger AND ARE REPINNED for years. Others pin them…and it’s a great way to invest a small amount of your time for large returns. Read on for a fantastic tip to automate pinning and spend MUCH LESS TIME ON IT.
Using Pinterest is a great way to inspire your following, engage your audience and prospects/customers and send people to your business website.
When you create a pin that offers something like “3 Negotiation Strategies All Buyers Must Know” and “The Top 10 Curb Appeal Tips To Attract More Buyers and Increase ROI” you direct them to your website for help (and ideally you provide a free checklist or handout)…people love and so appreciate it.
Articles, blog posts and handouts you offer help establish you as an expert in your business and builds trust…and people reach out to you as their Real Estate Expert.
Tailwind is an exceptional automation tool for Pinterest. I’ve seen a huge increase in viewers on my pinterest profile since consistently using Tailwind and also a large increase with opt-in subscribers on my website. See results below after starting with Tailwind…
This Pinterest Profile is only 4 weeks old. I started using Tailwind the last 10 days and you can see the increase in viewers. As a result of using Tailwind there is an upward trend of viewers of my pins. The last reported day was 64,203 reach. Keep in mind this is a profile that was 1 month old. See below…

There is a significant increase in engagement on my website after starting with Tailwind. The below are people opting in to my handouts and helpful brochures/printables. After starting with Tailwind people opting in are between 30 and 50 people per day.
As you can see using Tailwind for automation with Pinterest has had a very large impact in my business exposure and website engagement.
Instagram is another social marketing tool that puts you in front of people, potential clients and your sphere of influence. Use the Tailwind App to automate your Instagram profile and save yourself time.
Be strategic with your website and automate as much as possible. You’ll see great returns!
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* The One Common Denominator Of All 6 Figure Businesses
* This One Page Increases Real Estate Lead Generation

This is a free, powerful resource available to all members of the National Association of Realtors®. Realtors Property Resource® gives you on-the-go access to an all-encompassing real estate platform, available exclusively to REALTORS®

Save time with these 25+ editable FREE handouts you can customize. Add your own Realtor branding. These are available in word docs and they make it super simple for you to customize to your heart’s content!
Consistent real estate marketing is the life blood of your business. It’s fundamental…if you don’t consistently market your business will dwindle. Be a beast when it comes to your marketing...WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW!

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* 10 Musts Of All Successful Real Estate Agents